Thursday, 25 July 2013


Hello Gorgeous,

            I know we all deal with different skin concerns,so here are steps every diva (like you) should know to achieve that healthy and glowing skin.But remember, the perfectly healthy skin doesn't just come about in the blink of an eye. It takes dedication and it takes time!!!Its a long but worthwhile road I am definitely enjoying. Here's what you need to know

The first secret to awesome skin is knowing the type of skin you have. 
Like would you order clothes on-line without knowing your size?!
Nah, didn't think so either. 
we have different types of skin, and each skin has different characteristics.

DRY SKIN: This type of skin is kind of flaky, it has tight pores, prone to wrinkles & fine lines and somewhat scaly and it ages fast.

OILY SKIN: This type of skin produces excess oil, so it always looks shiny, feels greasy, large and sometimes visible pores.

COMBINATION SKIN: This is basically two types of skin on one face. the skin is dry in some areas, most commonly the cheeks, and oily or normal in the T-zone which is the forehead, nose and chin.

NORMAL SKIN: This is ideally perfect skin. It has no visible imperfections. The oil and moisture level are balanced.

We are all so used to washing our faces with whatever soap is in the shower,
I know I'm totally guilty too, but this is totally wrong for the face! You don't need to buy something way over the top expensive, but you just need to find something that works for you and is good on your skin. For example,  
For normal or combination skin, use a gentle facial wash to cleanse your face, rinse with warm water and pat your face dry. Please do not scrub!
For oily skin use an oil free foaming cleanser to wash, rinse with water. you may decide to use an astringent or toner, after this step.
For dry skin use a cleanser that does not have alcohol or fragrance.
Always remember to exfoliate once a week to get rid of dead cells.

Always remember,
You are never too young to use a moisturiser!!!!
Moisture keeps the skin from drying out. No matter the skin type you have always remember to moisturise while the skin is still damp, to lock the moisture in.
If you have acne problems or oily skin be sure to use an oil free and lightweight moisturiser.

DO'S and DON'T S
DO wear sunscreen!! SPF 30 at least, it protects against harmful sun rays.
DO wash your face twice a day, morning and at night, or at-least cleanse it
DON'T wear make-up to bed, EVER! I know we are all guilty of this, but leaving make-up on your face clogs the pores and causes acne.
DON'T pop your pimples as it can lead to infection and scaring.
When choosing make-up DO choose make-up that is "nonacnegenic' or 'noncomedogenic'
DO eat alot of veggies, whole grains and low-fat diary products. They are great for the skin.
DO remember to exfoliate at least once a week

Now you are on the road to a healthier and more gorgeous skin,
Just say to yourself everyday CTM (cleanse, Tone, moisturise) and I assure you, everyone will compliment you on the beautiful difference.

                                                                           Ambassador Gorgeous
                                                                       ....we represent all things gorgeous


  1. awesome blog! keep it up.

  2. Can you please suggest an exfoliant for someone with dry/sensitve skin? Thanks!

    1. hello Sarah, I would personally recommend home-made exfoliants, they save you a ton of money,I would advice you to use the Hydrating oatmeal exfoliant. It is very easy to make, and it is gentle enough not to tear or injure sensitive skin or overdry the skin.
      Recipe: A cup of oatmeal, stir together with a cup of yoghurt and two spoons of honey in a small bowl. Mix until it becomes a paste. Apply to your face and leave it on for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
      works like magic(thank me later) but if you would prefer I suggest a company brand pls send me an email and I will definitely get back to you

  3. Where can I get this hydrating oatmeal?n wat type of yoghurt

  4. It's so hard finding the right cleanser or moisturiser good for my skin type. Can you recommend brands you like?

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